data edition

英 [ˈdeɪtə ɪˈdɪʃn] 美 [ˈdeɪtə ɪˈdɪʃn]




  1. Also available in   Chinese IBM DB2 Data Warehouse Edition is a suite of products that combines the strength of the DB2 database server with a powerful business intelligence infrastructure from IBM.
  2. IBM DB2 Data Warehouse Edition ( DWE) V9.1 is a fully integrated powerful and flexible data warehousing platform, which provides deep integration of metadata and runtime infrastructure.
  3. This article series will help you deliver the kind of data warehouse infrastructure that is essential to on-demand Business Intelligence, using IBM DB2 Data Warehouse Edition ( DB2 DWE).
  4. This article introduces the OLAP services provided by IBM DB2 Data Warehouse Enterprise Edition 9.1 and explains the value that it brings to both the developer and target users.
  5. Of the nine software components in the current release of DB2 Data Warehouse Edition 9.1, eight of them provide OLAP services in one way or anther.
  6. The month and year of origination is the first date of publication of the data sheet. The first collected edition of Shakespeare's works was published in folio format in 1623.
  7. The data in this edition confirms that much more research and effort needs to be made to make medicines for children more available and accessible for those who need them most.
  8. The codes, standards, and data sheets listed shall be the latest edition.
  9. The application of VC++ on photoelectric gathering data edition in the agricultural census
  10. According to the data of the edition, the opinion that the Biographies of the Flowers on the Sea was not in popular is unture.
  11. Evaluate on handbook of basic data of petrochemical industries-sequel edition and new development in group contribution methods
  12. USB Specification 2.0, released in April 2000, has much higher data transmission speed comparing to its former edition. Corresponding changes also can be seen in chapters about power management.
  13. One of GIS functions is data information collection and edition.
  14. Using the data in the 2002 edition of the ISI Journal Citation Reports, forestry journals indexed by SCI were summarized.
  15. The author has already made elementary experimental research for data collection and edition pmeess in GIS.
  16. Comparatively to WES, the permanent edition space ( PES) is the data edition which is stored in the external storage, and at a certain moment, it is an intact data snapshot of the database which accords with consistency.
  17. , which uses the popular popular programming language of Visual basic 6.0 and database of Access 7.0. According to its practical produce technology, this system has many functions such as data input, edition, save, delivery, statistics and analysis.
  18. Document Data Management Based on Edition Differences
  19. The system main interface uses the interface of OA system that the users know well and contains six modules. The "Personnel Data Integration" module implements the data integration between the Personnel Management module of OA and the GPMS century edition.
  20. Thereby I designed the logic structure of Topo Data Management module of this system based on J2EE ( Java 2 Enterprise Edition).
  21. In process of data processing, we used the techniques, such as filtering, edition surgical blanking, prediction deconvolution, fitting static correlation of first arrival time, and velocity analysis, and obtained a high-qualitative shallow seismic reflection sounding profile.
  22. GIS Attribution Data Edition Interface Programming
  23. The transition data and Gibbs energy functions of pure elemental Cu in SGTE database were reassessed using the least-square method and adopting the newly available thermochemical reference JANAF data in the fourth ( edition).
  24. In the aspect of technological system, insurance business information management system was based on three layer Web architecture ( the presentation layer, business logic layer and data layer) and J2EE ( Java2Platform, Enterprise Edition) platform, and used Struts framework technology for developing.
  25. In order to reuse mocap data in new scene, this paper deduced and realized the root locus edition method of virtual human.
  26. Data acquisition software is written by Control Software "KingView Embedded Edition", the face gas prediction software in underground monitoring sub-station is compiled by Microsoft Embedded Visual C++ ( EVC).
  27. In this dissertation, the concept of working edition space ( WES) is put forward which is the memory-resident data version in the database runtime, and is a high-activeness subset of the complete data edition of database.